new binder concept for increasing the service life of wood coating systems

ALBERDINGK BOLEY brings Alberdingk® LignoCure to market. Alberdingk® LignoCure is ALBERDINGK BOLEY's latest generation of binder for long term stability wood protection systems. LignoCure is the durable protection for lignin, a substantial component of wood, and therefore provides a polymeric stabilization of the substrate. The life cycle of the entire coating system is thereby significantly extended. 

ALBERDINGK ® LignoCure offers improved adhesion of the coating to substrate on all types of wood through its optimized wetting characteristics. Thus additional application areas are opened to wood, a natural renewable resource. A major factor is the active conservation of resources realized by extended renovation intervals.

ALBERDINGK® LignoCure offers added value as a preservation coating for windows and panelling. Garden furniture and floorboards as well as all wood protection systems where the focus is on a maximum service life of the substrate or coating are ideal application areas. Optimal film formation through a low minimum film forming temperature (MFFT) guarantees excellent dispersion. The harmonized crosslinking properties of LignoCure® also allow for optimum mixability with the corresponding top coat dispersions made by ALBERDINGK BOLEY.   

We are happy to assist you with additional information or a personal consultation.


Tel.: + 49 2151 528 – 0
